1. What is the difference between the Colington Harbour Homeowners’ Association, Colington Harbour Yacht and Racquet Club, and the Colington Yacht Club?

All homeowners are automatically a member of the Colington Homeowners’ Association and pay yearly dues levied by the Association. Click Here to go to the CHA web site.

An optional membership available to all homeowners but not required.  Separate dues are paid each year and membership entitles people to use the club facilities:  pool, clubhouse, and tennis court.

The Colington Yacht Club is a family oriented club. The mission of the club is to advance the sport of yachting, boating, cruising, sailing and racing and promote social enjoyment and good fellowship among its members. It is an organization that requires separate membership and dues. It is open to everyone – CH residence is not required. Click here to go to the CYC web site.

2. How do I join the Club?

Applications are available on our web site: www.chyrc.org and also at the clubhouse on the wall to the right as you enter the building.

3. If I am a Club member, can I bring my guests to the pool?

All guests of homeowners are welcome to use the club facilities with a member provided the guest does not live in the Harbour themselves. There is a one time fee available for homeowners that entitles them to have unlimited guests for the summer, and that information is included in the membership application or renewal form.

4. Can I rent the clubhouse for a special function?

As a member of the Yacht and Racquet Club, you are entitled to rent the clubhouse for special activities, i.e., birthday parties, wedding receptions, other group gatherings, at a nominal fee and after an application process.  If you live in Colington Harbour, but you are not a member of the Yacht and Racquet Club, you can still rent the clubhouse, but the fee is at a non-member rate.  For the price of a club membership, you can join at the time of your rental application and then rent the facility for the member price.  You get the added benefit of becoming a club member for the same price as a non-member rental.

5. Can I rent the pool for a private party?

At this time, we do not rent the pool for private parties due to insurance concerns and premiums for such activities.

6. How do I rent the pavilion in the park?

You must contact the Association office (252-441-5886) to reserve the pavilion.  There is a nominal fee and it is not reserved for any special group on holidays.

7. How do I get a key to the tennis courts?

You can buy a key for $1.00 if you are a Club member.  If you don’t have a key, you can get one from the Association office or after hours at the pool during the summer.

8. What are the pool hours?

They are posted on the Home Page of this site and at the pool.

9. Who is covered by my family pool membership?

Only immediate family is included with a basic family membership.  Additional family members (i.e., parents, siblings, cousins, children older than 21, grandchildren, etc.) require an additional fee. (see p. 12 of the By-laws)  Full-time students, under 24 years of age, are included; however, once a child turns 18 and is no longer a full-time student, he/she must purchase an individual pool membership.

10. Who can be a guest of a member at the pool?

Anyone who is visiting that member and does NOT live in the Colington Harbour or own property here.